U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar: Sunday, Apr. 10, 2022. Speaker: Niles Johnson (Ohio State University). Title: “Graded Picard categories and the 2-type of the sphere”.

Time: 17:00 (Israel Time) Location: On Zoom Recording: https://us02web.zoom.us/rec/share/c93WMCqjj3eUShqHmo0pAyvcVQsJCDKMfFflNdJvj3NjjXnwH6rndDkFT1J8YBFJ.wkT8MPwk-Dl_yovw Slides: https://nilesjohnson.net/notes/grPic-P2S.pdf Abstract: The Stable Homotopy Hypothesis connects symmetric monoidalalgebra and stable homotopy theory.  In a classical special case, thethe tensor product of graded abelian groups leads to a model for … Continue reading U. Haifa Topology & Geometry seminar: Sunday, Apr. 10, 2022. Speaker: Niles Johnson (Ohio State University). Title: “Graded Picard categories and the 2-type of the sphere”.